Wednesday, June 24, 2009

A Hallway and a Valley - some common Ground?

Yes - my associations between the subjects are often not to be taken too seriously but somehow I have to find a bridge beween the represented interior such as a bedroom or a living room and the piece of art I try to incorporate. And I rather do it the funny way than sounding too serious.

I am enthusiastic about my work wholeheartedly and I want to ignite this enthusiasm in other people. Maybe I am sometimes over the top but from time to time everybody does exaggerate a little bit when his/her heart is in a project. Right?

Now this classical hallway somehow reminds me of a valley, a valley with doors to rooms instead of mountains. So why not reminding the viewer of real valleys, valleys which are mysterious and where we cannot see where they are leading to. Just as you get only a glimpse of what might be at the end of this hallway...

The silk painting Canyon is actually a triptych, inspired by the many marvellous canyons in northern America's national parks. If you want to know more about it check this link.

original image source from

(from the Magic Landscapes series)
Triptych, 40" x 63", silk
©Petra Voegtle


Anonymous said...

The painting is probably purchased after the fact. The two pieces perfectly compliment each other.


Meghann said...

Oh wow, that is just gorgeous :)

French-Kissed said...

The "Canyon" is just beautiful! It draws me in and makes me want to explore. Wonderful colors, too and tryptics make the already great imagery even more interesting.

Unknown said...

Hi Nicolette,
I actually don't quite understand what you mean - LOL. The painting is not purchased yet. It is only a computer collage where I added the painting per photoshop to the original image as an example for a potential scenario in order to show where my paintings possibly could hang.

Unknown said...

Thank you Meghann - I very much hope that you mean the painting first place - LOL!!

Unknown said...

Thank you so much for this lovely compliment, French Kissed. These are my favourite colous because of their warmth. I am glad that you like it. I wanted to create a triptych, where all 3 pieces could be hung completely separately if desired but also as a whole image.

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