This seems to be an old house in a residential area in Munich - near where I live - that is surrounded by rather newer homes. I don't know anything about this house - the fact is that you can hardly see it. Even in winter it is covered somehow by some evergreens - I think it's ivy - and it is enclosed with a high fence of shrubs which are that thick that you cannot even peek through them. Very mysterious - don't you think?
As you can see during the Wisteria blooming season the whole house disappears beneath a lump of blossoms and the front is totally hidden beneath a sea of green leaves. A wonderful place. Unfortunately you cannot even get a glimpse of the garden and what is growing there. So there is nothing left for me to do than staying outside, stretch myself as high as possible and shoot blind with the camera...

As you can see in the last photo the wisteria covers half of the roof already and you can see the top of the hedge which is really high - at least 2 meters! What a decoration!
What kind of people may live in there - I often wonder. They must be nice people with blossoms like these - such blossoms do not grow in gardens where you have nasty people - don't you think? So I just call it another lucky house and it will not be the last one...
Wow, beautiful wisteria!!
Your assessment of the people who live there made me smile -- beautiful flowers and gardens most definitely have to belong to nice people :-)
Have you ever considered knocking on their door and asking if you can see more of their gardens?? Seeing as they have to be nice people, I'm sure they'd say Yes :-)
LOL - Kelly, I would never do that. I am just too timid for that - I would feel like an intruder.
But maybe - one day - I'll find the courage.
It already cost me a lot of self persuasion to ask people - when I saw them in their gardens - whether I may take a photo or two. But I am learning - LOL.
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