Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Autumn on the Balcony

No place is too small to not grow something, to not have some living plant in pots on a small balcony or loggia, or even only on the windowsill. The internet can give you plenty of ideas how to start something like that, non-costly, non-labour-intensive.

This year I decided to do something about the missing colours at this time of the year. In the past I was always quite depressed when the plants had to come in to protect them from cold temperatures. The balcony then looked grey and abandoned. A sad view. Now we have end of October and my balcony is still full of colours thanks to one of the most wonderful flowers which show their true beauty especially at fall: Chrysanthemum.

You get them in nearly all colours you could imagine, you get them in all sizes, from large to tiny and you get them in various blossoms shapes - with very large blossoms which unfortunately do not survive frost but there are plenty enough, smaller blossoms which do. Even my Oleander is still blooming and adds his wonderful pink colour to the chorus:


1 comment:

Minneapolis Curtains said...

I always wanted to write in my site something like that but I guess you're faster

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