Friday, July 22, 2011

FINDS: Green Walls for Indoors

After I managed to turn our balcony into a little green jungle this year, I thought it might be an extra to have green walls inside as well. I mean real green walls with plants growing vertically not horizontally.

There are a couple of companies who create breathtaking green walls for inside with immense advantages for your well being and enjoyment because who would not love to have a green living wall in front of you rather than a grey concrete monster? Here are a few examples which may give your interior designs a completely new twist:

The first examples are from a company in Stockholm, Sweden, Greenworks:

image source for all above images:
Wouldn't it be exciting to work in an environment such as this? Or imagine to have a green wall in your living room so that it would not be necessary to have an additional sunroom to enjoy the feeling of an inside garden?

The following examples are from Indoorlandscaping, a German company, located now in Munich but with subsidiaries in Los Angeles and Mexico City:

 image source for above images:
And here are some more examples from a company in England, Bio Tecture which are specifically charming:

 image source for above images:


Thursday, July 21, 2011

Art on (at) the Wall but please not in this Manner...

When a room is prepared for photographing it is normally "staged" - you would not show a mess in your bedroom to the public - would you? Often enough the newly prepared rooms look though as if no-one ever has lived or will live in it because everything is too tidy, too styled - you would not dare to touch anything at all.

On the other hand who would like to see all the personal stuff of the owner in a house you want to buy? Your own imagination would be spoiled. But I do not want to go into details what to do when you want to sell a home or what you could expect when you want to buy a home. There are enough tips to be found on the Internet or you could even contact a professional home staging company.

Here is an example though where the owner of this room was not well advised regarding placing art as a design element. Somewhere in the HGTV channel I read a comment such as "new artwork can make a world of difference when staging a home to sell".  Now this applies of course to a newly designed room also. But look at this example: the pictures are placed loosely on the headboard of the bed, partially covered by the cushions. This does not look good.

As an alternative I would have chosen a real painting or a large fine art print such as this one, mounted in a nice frame. The original of the artwork I have chosen here, is actually a silk scroll, painted and embroidered and hung on 2 dowels. A picture is shown below.

This is the original silk scroll:

"Panaxia I"
43" x 24", silk scroll

©Petra Voegtle

and this could be the fine art print that could be produced in any size mounted in a virtual frame:


Thursday, July 14, 2011

Sorry for not posting - but there was an Emergency...

When you think you have time again to write there is definitely something coming your way that needs your attention. This time it was a sick pigeon again (I sometimes wonder how they find me???).
I had observed her already a day before I could catch her and realized that there was something sticking to her chest or coming out of her chest and knew immediately that there was something wrong.

After I had caught her (we named her Lotti) we could do a close examination. I realized that she had a crop rupture, a hole the size of a 5 eurocent piece (2cm in diameter) in her crop and the food was coming out of it. Well - I rather spare you the details - fact is, that she healed completely in our care and was released again this morning.

Crop ruptures are nasty because when this is not treated (closed) the pigeon normally dies of infection which is a slow death. Imagine you have a hole in your stomac and your dinner is coming out of it. This time it went very well because Lotti found us on time before anything really bad could happen.

I am so happy...

and this was her play pen:

and this was finally her great day after a large breakfast (that's why her face is a bit wet):
