Friday, September 25, 2009

Magic Landscapes in the Hallway

I like this hallway for its simplicity. It looks unspoiled, ready to reveal some magic, nothing spectacular but simply something magical which you can only discover if you look close enough to see what might be seducing.
The idea of placing these two silk paintings (virtually) above the sofa came from the other art work on the wall of the staircase. Its theme fits very well to the ones of the two silk paintings from the Magical Landscapes Series.

If you would like to see more of the latter - please check this link and this link - both paintings available at the Boxheart Gallery in Pittsburgh.

original image source from

"Angkor's Relics" and "Morning in Sumatra"
(from the Magic Landscapes series)
40" x 13" each, silk
©Petra Voegtle

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Hornets on Silk and a Chaiselongue...

Most of you probably do not love this insect but I would like to break a stone for them.

This silk scroll is an hommage to an insect which has a very bad reputation due to many myths which need to be rectified. Exaggerated stories of hornet attacks and the effect of their stings such as "Seven hornet stings kill a horse, three an adult and two a child" simply belong to that world of fairy tales. Such myths which exist for generations have led to the hornet to become an endangered species in many areas of Central Europe, due to merciless human pursuit.

Hornets are extremely beneficial. If you have hornets in your garden you should be very glad because hornets hunt wasps and other insects. They are not attracted by sweet smells, they are not interested in any human food and therefore don't bother you when you are in the garden. On the contrary - they keep wasps at distance. They are not aggressive at all unless you disturb their nest.
Hornets belong to the most sophisticated architects in the insect world. Their nests are extremely beautiful and were the inspiration for this painted abstract silk scroll.

The original artwork on the wall was something different. But I thought this scroll, mounted on a frame (instead of a silk scroll hung on dowels) would complement this chaiselongue wonderfully, composing antique style with modern abstract art that reflects something very precious - nature on silk.

with courtesy of
click here for the original
image source

43" x 24", silk scroll

©Petra Voegtle

Similar to the nests of hornets are the magnificent nest structures of wood wasps. I have added some photos I made from pieces of a wasp nest, photographed against light so that you can admire the structures and patterns of these incredible architects:

photography ©Petra Voegtle

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

A modern Sunroom

There is no knickknack in this room - only clear elegance, no extra embellishment. The emphasis is on the view to the garden, unspoiled, without distraction. This place lives with the light that enters this room without any barriers, giving a feeling as if you are sitting directly in the garden. A modern understanding of a sunroom I would think.

The silk carving on the wall is merely a connection with the feeling that we all embrace from time to time, a longing for something else we do not own, another sphere, another time, light in times of darkness...

If you would like to see details of the silk carving use this link.

with courtesy of
click here for the original
image source

"The Longing"
silk carving
©Petra Voegtle