Friday, August 28, 2009

Outstanding modern Design

If you haven't seen this already I would like to direct you to an extraordinary design: the interior of a new restaurant in Boston.
"Banq is the new restaurant in the old Penny Savings Bank (1375 Washington Street, Boston, MA) at the base of the old banking hall, designed by Office dA. The restaurant interior offers unique experience for guests and they’ll be remembering this restaurant design. The wall and ceilings were decorate using wave element made from unique pieces of three-quarter-inch birch plywood adhered together..." (continue to read here)

(original image source from

The principal and founder of this design company is Monica Ponce de Leon, born in Venezuela. The company has received numerous awards for their salient designs.

I think this is an excellent example where architecture, interior design, art and craftsmanship result in a perfect sinfonia.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Breaking the Order

You may have seen this perfectly styled room probably a couple of times. It has been published in various magazines. I love the composition, the clean graphical lines, it's light and order. Everything seems to be at the right place. And that's my problem with this room.
For me it looks like the showroom in an extravagant designer store and I am missing the personal touch - that kind of touch that shows me that someone is actually living here.

So if this were my room I would go and break up the order, add something personal, add a painting that contains movement and adds life - just as this silk painting Tassili I, inspired by the cave paintings and engravings that have been found in the Algerian desert. Isn't this a humorous oxymoron??

If you want to know more about the painting check this link

I apologize - cannot find the original image source

Tassili I
(from the Magic Symbols series)
40" x 13" silk

©Petra Voegtle

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Hopefully soon....

I am really sorry if I disappointed my readership for not posting anything for the last 2 weeks. But as you know I am currently a pigeon mother. Additionally to the babies having been attacked by that awful pidge - our baby pigeons became sick and I had to care for them all day. Additional visits at the vet became necessary and I was very worried.

Now I can say that both are on their way to complete recovery. I love these birds, as I love the whole family. These are incredible birds and if you happen to ever meet one or two, feel honoured and glad. They have to give so much love.

If you do not believe me please see my pigeon diary the Pigeon Tales.

Peppi and Pina


Saturday, August 8, 2009

A bit off Topic...

You may be wondering where my new posts are? Well - I am bit short of time currently. See what I am busy with:

So far about interior design - LOL. These are Peppi and Pina (from Peppina), the babies of Willy and Winnie, who again are the kids of Emma and Pete, a pigeon couple that lives on our balcony since last year. Since this year Willy and Winnie are living on our balcony as well. And once a year they are allowed to have babies – all the eggs both couples are laying are replaced by plaster eggs – otherwise….

This is an adventure I would recommend to anyone who loves animals and especially birds. It is unbelievable how intelligent and adaptive these birds are. Their personalities and behaviour is amazing and I consider myself as a very lucky person to have been given this gift.

Since last year I write a diary and documentary about our pigeon family with lots of photos, slideshows and little videos. If you would like to check this out – here it is and you will love it.

Pigeon Tales

Why am I keeping these little buggers inside? Because a very evil bastard pigeon came a couple of days ago and nearly scalped little Pina and wounded Peppi. I found both babies bleeding like crazy, with deep puncture wounds in their little heads. That foreign pigeon wanted to steal the nest and tried to kill our babies. This I could not let happen so I took them inside…

You can read the whole horror story soon on my pigeon blog. It is scary.

So many amazing things I have learned about feral pigeons in the meanwhile, how extremely intelligent they are and how adaptive. If you want to know more about this all with many funny stories check out my blog Pigeon Tales. You won't be disappointed but surely surprised...

Additionally I am adding a video here so that you can see yourself what I am talking about...
